Category: recipes

  • I Swear That Chocolate Zucchini Bread is Really Amazing. Really Really!

    I Swear That Chocolate Zucchini Bread is Really Amazing. Really Really!

    If I hadn’t grown up in Hippietown, USA, I’m almost positive I would never make a recipe called chocolate + zucchini anything, so I understand if you’re having a case of baker’s reluctance here…but I promise you can trust me on this!

  • Semi~Sacrilegious French Carrot Salad

    Semi~Sacrilegious French Carrot Salad

    At its heart, a traditional French carrot salad is little more than a freshly~squeezed lemon atop grated carrots…but I can’t just leave well enough alone.

  • Banana Streusel Muffins

    Banana Streusel Muffins

    Sometimes, tho, the idea of banana bread just doesn’t get me excited, so a lot of the time, I end up making it less as a labor of love, and more as something I need to do to avoid waste.

  • Creamy, Old Fashioned Tapioca Pudding

    Creamy, Old Fashioned Tapioca Pudding

    Finally, I decided to use my culinary background to my benefit (finally!?!), and tried cooking it in the methods of different custards (which is what most pudding basically is), and I got closer than ever. The best results came from using an overnight soak for the tapioca in a portion of the milk, cooking it…

  • Mom’s Peach Cobbler

    Mom’s Peach Cobbler

    To say the least, something which had been a simple, homemade special treat of my youth became a metaphor for bigger things. My Mom’s peach cobbler is to me what the madeleine was to Proust…