Category: personal

  • On healing and getting better…

    On healing and getting better…

    After surgery, I expected an uphill journey to heal…I didn’t expect that some of the hardest parts would be getting through little colds & illnesses.

  • Post~Surgery Life & Making Madeleines

    Post~Surgery Life & Making Madeleines

    Somehow, tho, I got it into my head that I wanted to make madeleines, and I set the pan on the stovetop as a reminder…proceeding to move it in & out of my way for nearly a week before I was up to the task.…

  • A Busy Day

    A Busy Day

    After a very busy morning, I found myself at home with enough time to make the first nice lunch I’ve made since having surgery three weeks ago! ❤︎ Do you ever notice (or is it just me?) that when you have to wake up much earlier than usual, and then run around like a loon…

  • Hospital Food

    Hospital Food

    I queued up some stories to write and recipes to post if I have the mental fortitude, but I’d expect more hospital food shitposting than anything else…

  • A Simple Breakfast

    A Simple Breakfast

    I always wake up later than Mr. Scout, after he has already started work, so I try to sneak in some sustenance between meetings, and then throw some fruit or snacks in his direction throughout the day…