A Busy Day


After a very busy morning, I found myself at home with enough time to make the first nice lunch I’ve made since having surgery three weeks ago!


Do you ever notice (or is it just me?) that when you have to wake up much earlier than usual, and then run around like a loon to get a bunch of stuff done really quickly, that you finally get back home, feeling completely wrecked, and wondering why the day didn’t have the courtesy to at least be halfway over with?!?

Such was my day…waking up, showering quickly, getting dressed, packing a bag, hurrying to a physical therapy appointment across town, rushing to a clinic appointment in another part of town, and then having the cab drop me off at the pharmacy nearest to my house before “walking” home slowly. I did have the chance to eat a late brunch / early lunch before heading home, but when I came through the door and collapsed, I was actually annoyed that it was barely past noon.

A close-up aerial shot of a large bowl filled with Pad Thai. The saucy noodles are studded with chunks of chicken, egg, and tofu, and the dish is topped with sliced green onions, fresh cilantro, and flakes of red Aleppo pepper.

At Casa del Scoutie, we have adopted the Israeli habit of having lunch later than most people in Japan would consider remotely acceptable. Then again, going to lunch at either 11:45 or 12:15 to avoid shutting everything down for one full hour is considered such a no-no by so many companies—and, thus, the people who work for said companies—that I actually started to feel a bit odd whenever I told my English students that Mr. Scoutie and I often have lunch after 3:00 PM, and then simply have a small dinner, if any at all.

Today, as it happened in my favor, I had a nice, long, fully unconscious nap, and then put together a yummy shrimp-free (equal parts allergic + grossed out) Pad Thai for second lunch around 3:30 PM. And, as I had the presence of mind to actually think ahead, I brewed up some Thai iced tea to go along with it, leaving Mr. Scout and I feeling pleasantly plump…and w/ plenty of leftovers for me to eat cold from the refrigerator.

What?? It’s a thing!


2 responses to “A Busy Day”

  1. I aim for the hobbit life: breakfast, elevenses, lunch, tea, dinner. How are you doing? One day at time for recovery eh.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am an elevenses fan myself! 😉 Recovery is slow~going, but most days are a little better than the one before.


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it Me!
A selfie of Scout, sitting in the back seat of a car, with a smile on her face, the window rolled down, and her blonde hair blowing in the wind.

I’m Scout. I live in a really small apartment in Tokyo, with a ridiculously tiny kitchen, a wee balcony garden, an adorable little asshole of a cat, and a relatively normal~sized husband. 

And honestly? On any given day, I’m just trying to make lunch happen…

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